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Engage and energise working parents.

Provide support that has a lasting impact.

Prevent parents from burning out and leaving the workforce.


Make them feel valued and create a standout employee value proposition to attract top talent.


Working parents' challenges have a big impact on Organisations


Parents' family life impacts their work life, and vice versa.


Creating balance without guilt is an overwhelming, energy-sapping juggle.

When parents feel guilty about their parenting, they throttle their careers, burn out and leave the workforce.


  •  Mckinsey found that during the pandemic parents were twice as likely to experience signs of burnout.

  • The recent Careers After Babies Report found that within 3 years of having children 85% of women leave full-time work, and 19% leave the workforce entirely.

  • Today concerns about the fatherhood penalty are becoming similarly prevalent, with only 25% of new parents discussing shared parental leave and 7% taking it.

Parents' expectations that employers support them with their challenges are increasing.

However, according to McKinsey, 66% said employers remain unsupportive.

A massive opportunity to differentiate exists

For parents to perform and confidently pursue their career goals we must create a supportive culture within the workplace, but also help parents feel successful at home.

The Present Parent Program

The curriculum ensures that employees find and maintain an effective balance as their careers and home lives evolve and change.

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Gemma, Chief Data Officer and Entrepreneur, UK

"As a new mum and ambitious professional, the present parent program has been incredibly valuable. Since starting the program, I feel so much clearer on how I can integrate my family and professional life, so I can continue to be energised, whilst also being the parent I’ve always wanted to be"

Investing in working parents has BIG benefits

Productivity & Wellbeing

  • Help high-performing working parents to build their leadership skills and maximise productivity 

  • Create a sustainable balance, allowing parents to make long-term career decisions with confidence

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

  • Help to create gender balance by supporting parents in sharing the load and stepping past stereotypes and biases

  • Show leadership in the DE&I space, placing a cornerstone of a progressive, empathetic and inclusive culture

  • Make a positive contribution to improving families' and childrens' experiences

& Talent

  • Ensures parents can see and access a career path that meets their professional and family ambitions, so they stay

  • Showing empathy and concern for an employee's home life makes them feel valued and like they belong

  • Improve attraction by differentiating your Employee Value Proposition and Brand in an increasingly competitive market for talent

Hi, I'm Ranjit

Head Coach and Founder

My mission ….

“The truth is, our home lives directly impact our work performance, and vice versa. 


When challenges relate to our children the impact is x 10.


The Present Parent Program solves this by enabling parents to understand what kind of parent they want to be, and intentionally integrate this with their career aspirations and day-to-day priorities"

My journey ….

💼 Experienced Executive, senior roles - driving culture change in FTSE 100 (Accenture, Vodafone, Thomson Reuters, BT, Clarks) along with scaleup SMEs


🧑🏼‍💻 Leadership and Tech Consultant - helping organisations to create transformational change

🧠 Qualified Coach @ Henley Business School - Over 10 years of coaching in leadership positions and as an independent

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Passionate Dad - Married to a busy wife who runs her own business. Partners in crime co-parenting high-energy twins!

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